The RRC WCR Apprentice Recruitment 2024 notification has been released for 5,066 posts. Students who have passed 10th grade and ITI are eligible to apply for this vacancy. The application process will commence on 23/09/2024 and will continue until 22/10/2024. This is a great opportunity for freshers to start their career with a central government job.

RRC WCR Apprentice Notification
पश्चिम मध्य रेलवे ने अपरेंटिस के 5,066 पदों में नोटिफिकेशन जारी किया है। इसके आवेदन फॉर्म 23/09/2024 से 22/10/2024 तक इसकी ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट के माध्यम से भरे जायेंगे। 10 वी और आईटीआई पास कर चुके स्टूडेंट्स इसमें आवेदन कर सकते है। फ्रेशर्स के लिए यह बहुत ही अच्छा मौका है, इतनी कम उम्र में सरकारी नौकरी पाने का। यह अपरेंटिस 1 वर्ष के लिए मान्य है उसके बाद आप इसका एक्सपीरियंस दिखाकर किसी भी कंपनी में अच्छी सैलरी पा सकते है। अपरेंटिस से जुडी सभी जानकारी इस आर्टिकल में मौजूद है।
RRC WCR Apprentice Recruitment 2024 Overview
Organization | West Central Railway |
Post Name | Apprentice |
Vacancies | 5,066 |
Application Mode | Online |
Apply date | 23/09/2024 |
Last Date | 22/10/2024 |
Job Location | All India |
Official Website | |
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RRC WCR Apprentice Vacancy 2024
Post Name | Vacancies |
Fitter | 1,595 |
Welder (Gas & Electric) | 499 |
Turner | 59 |
Machinist | 36 |
Carpenter | 241 |
Painter (General) | 235 |
Mechanic (Diesel) | 271 |
Mechanic (Motor Vehicle) | 24 |
PASSA | 260 |
Electrician | 901 |
Mechanic (Electrical Power Drives) | 18 |
Electronics Mechanic | 189 |
Wireman | 104 |
Mechanic (Refrigeration & Air Conditioning) | 209 |
Pipe Fitter | 189 |
Plumber | 126 |
Forger & Heat Treater | 14 |
Draughtsman (Civil) | 88 |
Stenographer (English) | 08 |
Total | 5,066 |
Railway Apprentice Education Qualification
Candidates who have passed 10th class and ITI in the related field are eligible to apply for RRC WCR Apprentice 2024.
Railway Apprentice Age Limit
- Minimum Age:- 15 years
- Maximum Age:- 24 years
- Age relaxation for reserved category candidates.
Railway Apprentice Application Fee
Gen/ OBC/ EWS | Rs. 100 /- |
SC/ ST/ PwBD/ Female | Nill |
Railway Apprentice Salary
- The selected candidate will be paid a stipend of Rs. 7000/- per month.
- The training period is 1 year for selected applicants.
Railway Apprentice Selection Process
- Merit list prepared according to your 10th and ITI marks.
- Document Verification